The court is expected to issue a decision by late June, right in the middle of the presidential election year.
A health care legal challenge was one of the appeals the Supreme Court reviewed in a private conference last week; this morning, the justices will disclose the list of cases they will hear later this term.
The legislation, whose passage consumed much of President Obama's first year in office, extends insurance coverage to more than 30 million Americans through various measures including the expansion of Medicaid and a mandate that most Americans buy health insurance by 2014.
Obama says the law is critical to improving medical care nationwide, but Republican critics warn it would put new financial burdens on states, hurt small businesses and undermine individual choices about care.
- Individuals who have shunned insurance need to know whether they will be
forced to buy coverage or face a tax penalty.
- Government agencies need to know what regulations to put in place.
- Employers need to know what incentives or penalties they might have related to employee coverage.
- And states need to know their costs under Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor, as eligibility expands.
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